Federal Trademark


Buy the gift of brand protection for your business!

As an entrepreneur it is important to make sure your business is fully protected.

Obtaining a federal trademark for your business offers several key benefits:

1. Legal Protection: A federal trademark provides legal protection for your brand, logo, or slogan. It grants you exclusive rights to use the mark nationwide for the goods or services it represents. This protection helps prevent others from using a similar mark that could confuse consumers and dilute your brand identity.

2. Brand Recognition: A trademark helps build brand recognition and reputation. It distinguishes your products or services from competitors in the marketplace, making it easier for customers to identify and choose your offerings. Consistent branding strengthens consumer trust and loyalty over time.

3. Market Expansion: With a federal trademark, you have the ability to expand your business beyond your local or regional market. It gives you the legal foundation to operate and advertise your products or services across state lines without fear of infringement.

4. Asset Value: A trademark can be a valuable asset for your business. It adds tangible value to your company, which can be important for attracting investors, securing financing, or even selling your business in the future. Trademarks are often considered intellectual property and can be licensed or sold for profit.

5. Enforcement Rights: A federal trademark provides you with legal recourse to enforce your rights against infringers. If someone else attempts to use your trademark without authorization, you have the ability to take legal action to stop them and seek damages for any harm caused to your brand.

6. Online Protection: In today's digital age, securing a federal trademark is crucial for protecting your brand online. It helps prevent others from using your trademark in domain names, social media handles, and online advertisements, which can help maintain the integrity of your brand's online presence.

Let us get you protected today!!

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With this purchase you can protect a logo, brand name, or phrase. We will assist you in picking the best classification or industry for your brand.

Price includes:

  • 1 Discovery Intake Form

  • 1 Preliminary Consultation

  • 1 Intensive trademark search of brand

  • 1 Detailed Trademark Report

  • 1 Video Trademark Consultation

  • 1 Class included

The total amount is $3,500.

Please note that if your name has not been used in commerce an intent to use application will need to be filed on our behalf and you will have time after filing the application to begin using the name. This will incur an additional fee of $150 per class for the statement of use to be filed.

The Rigsbee Law Firm guarantees filing of trademark within 14-30 days from date of full payment. We make no guarantees on the approval of any filed trademarks. Non- substantive responses to the USPTO included.